Will Earth Day Ever Rule the World?
Counterintuitive much?! I mean, Earth equals world and therefore already rules? Sigh… Sadly not.
These last few years I have spent roaming this planet has resulted in a collection of the most incredible views and exotic wildlife that no picture will ever give justice. I’m talking real bucket list experiences that, should I die tomorrow, leave me with zero regrets!
My affection for mother nature and all she does is soul level. And yet I cannot ignore the pit in my stomach which can only be described as impending doom.
You see, in addition to the beauty and magnificence, I bear witness to the complete destruction and total disregard for anything that doesn’t produce a buck…
Obsessive use of non-recyclable/reusable plastics in the name of convenience
Consumerism at it's worst: a show of status and garbage products designed to break so you have to keep buying
The choice to drive instead of taking a 5 minute walk because “it’s too hot” while wearing a face mask at the same time because the air pollution is so bad
Deforestation and the take-down of entire mountains for new shiny housing because the old ones aren't fancy enough. (Plus new housing developments that continue to contribute to high carbon footprints and not work with the environment.)
Dogs who spend their entire lives living on 3 feet leashes and fish tanks crammed with sea critters baking under the hot sun, clearly diseased, waiting to be consumed
And of course there is what we have witnessed over the last few years:
Torrential storms and floods
Fires destroying entire eco systems
A global pandemic
These events are not acts of God…
Poverty, greed, complicity and laziness are the culprits. Each and every one of us are responsible.
Nature’s in the sh*tter.
It’s our individual and collective responsibility to get us out of this whole. If we put the same amount of energy into the environment as we have the pandemic, we’d be light years ahead.
So on this Earth Day, in the midst of a stay-at-home order, I’m asking you (pleading you) to do your part for the environment.
Be creative and buy less.
Reduce the amount of meat you eat (especially beef and lamb)
Buy food from responsible and local sources. (Here’s a search for farmer markets in Ontario. A quick google search will pull up farmer markets in other provinces too.)
Build gardens with natural vegetation native to your area. (Learn about pollinator gardens, butterfly ways and how to help conserve bees.)
Manage your garbage responsibly including cutting up non-recyclables to prevent animals from getting trapped
Incorporate minimalism into your life even if only in small doses
Ride public transit or even better - walk, run, bike, skate!
Put pressure on governments and businesses to prioritize the environment or support one of support environmental foundations like David Suzuki, Jane Goodall, or Environmental Defence to name just few.
It really comes down to action and accountability. We don’t have the luxury of celebrating Earth Day once a year. Every day needs to be Earth Day.
With love,
P.S. Check out some great environmental reads here!